Show Hope for Orphans

Monday, April 18, 2011


I made a little mistake and scheduled a "mom-get a way" trip over Easter weekend. Wasn't even thinking about the fact that it is Easter this weekend! So, dad will be doing Easter with the girls all by himself this weekend. I am feeling a little mommy guilt about missing all the activities so...yesterday we did an early egg hunt and decorated eggs. This is Elani's first Easter so it was great fun to watch her getting into everything!

The sun was actually out for our hunt. We haven't seen very much of him lately!
This dye may take a while to come off..... she decided to use her hand and not the egg dipping tool.

Happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Love it, Abby. I just got all my egg decorating supplies today. I'm always way more invested in it than the kids! ha ha